• Fruit and Cream Waffles

    You’re in for a treat (in more ways than one). My friend Kelly, home cook and party-planner extraordinaire, is guest posting today—and if I’m we’re lucky, she’ll give us more recipes and posts down the road! Once you’re finished drooling, make sure to check out my favorite waffle maker on…

  • Fresh Spinach and Lump Crab Meat Omelettes

    Breakfast for dinner can happen on a special occasion too — like these fresh spinach and lump crab meat omelettes! When the kids were little, my husband and I typically spent most of our Valentine’s Days at home. It can get complicated to find a babysitter, especially on a school night,…

  • Venezuelan Salsa

    I enjoy gaining perspective from guest posters (and yummy recipes). Today’s is from Ellen Spencer, and this Venezuelan salsa sounds wonderful! Venezuelan salsa made with mango, papaya, carrot, celery, lemon and garlic is a taste-tempting tropical sensation! This very simple Venezuelan salsa is a tropical treat for your taste buds…

  • Baked Garlic Parmesan Chicken Tenders

    I was browsing through a few cookbooks over the weekend and found a recipe for “Crisp Garlic Chicken” in Southern Livings Busy Moms Weeknight Favorites – think, chicken Parm without the cheese (no cheese??). Despite being appalled at the lack of cheese, the recipe did catch my eye for something…

  • Farmhouse Spaghetti

    Farmhouse spaghetti is the product of a great CSA bag full of wonderful in-season veggies and a jar of basic spaghetti sauce. Little hacks like this work great for busy work weeks, especially when school’s in session! Yesterday as I slurped up the last strand of spaghetti leftovers for lunch,…

  • Rustic Skillet Potatoes With Paprika

    These rustic skillet potatoes with paprika are crispy around the edges and pillowy soft in the center. This recipe’s a great way to stretch a few potatoes to feed a crowd!  Last week at Smith Mountain Lake, the time came to figure out the rest of the meal to go…