• New Seasonal Blog Header!

    Last night blogger friend Justice Fergie noticed a change to (a)Musing Foodie.  Can you tell what it is? Yes! The blog header!  In an effort to continue to showcase produce that’s in season, I decided to change my banner each month. March? Canned and preserved produce and sauce from 2010.…

  • Visit Local Farmers – They Want to Meet You!

    Lots of us have visited farms and orchards to pick apples, strawberries, pumpkins, or maybe on an annual trek to cut down the family Christmas tree. But have you ever toured a working farm? I’m not talking a super farm, one with thousands of acres. I’m talking about a farm…

  • Musings: The Barefoot PR Snafu

    Photo: FoodNetwork.com I never thought Ina Garten, of all people, would be embroiled in a big controversy spanning online news giants Shine from Yahoo! and leading social media sites Barefoot Contessa Facebook wall. Here’s the deal. A six year old little boy with leukemia asked the Make a Wish foundation for…

  • Eating Locally and Seasonally in Maryland

    Whether you’re part of a CSA, visiting farmers’ markets or shopping at the regular grocery store, eating locally and seasonally in Maryland is simple with these tips from my brother-in-law, Shawn! Finding ways to eat locally and seasonally has increasingly becoming a priority for discerning eaters. And for good reason! Local…

  • What’s a CSA?

    The term “CSA” used to be a buzz word, but these days it’s pretty common whether you live in the city or a more rural area. Often times, however, the acronym isn’t spelled out. So, what’s a CSA, you ask? Let’s keep this simple. Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a food production…

  • Musings: Apple Peels

    While peeling a bunch of apples for a recipe yesterday, I discovered that I have an slight obsession for removing the peels all in one quick, long, continuous strip. That’s all; just a simple thought for the start to the week. Happy Monday!