• 7 Tips on How to Handle Food

    This is a guest post. Help keep your food prep and storage safe with these simple tips on how to handle food. When it comes to food, everyone wants to have it prepared safely—it’s more than just taste. Dealslands UK, which is a hub for food vouchers, states something we…

  • 3 Simple Ways To Unwind

    Pepperidge Farm® Milano® cookies sponsored this post about taking time to unwind and transition to calm after a busy day. If your day is anything like mine, you probably feel like a cross between “Taz” the Tasmanian Devil and Wonder Woman. I (thankfully) have a husband who’s willing to pitch in…

  • Foodie Destination Bucket List

    As a member of From Left to Write, I received a copy of Under Magnolia for review purposes. Those of you who’ve been reading for a while know that I think back fondly to the years I spent living in Savannah, Ga., right after college. It was a time of rebirth and…

  • Milk’s Favorite Cookies

    Here’s a list of some of milk’s favorite cookies (for dunking) AND ways to make the experience even more fun! This is a guest post. It has been scientifically proven that dunking cookies leads to better flavor. However, what hasn’t been scientifically proven is which cookies are the best to…

  • Phillips Seafood Baltimore

    Phillips® Seafood invited me to their Baltimore location to enjoy a complimentary meal at their family-run restaurant. It didn’t take me more than a few seconds to say, “YES!” after getting the invite. Fresh seafood (that I didn’t cook myself) and a date night FTW! Growing up in Maryland, and with family that hails from the New…

  • 5 Funny Stages Of Baking Homemade Cookies

    Is there anything more satisfying than the scent of freshly baked homemade cookies right out of the oven? Eating them, I suppose. That’s more satisfying. If you’re anything like me, baking cookies (while a technically simple process), involves so much more than beat this together, fold that in, and bake until…