• Out and About: Roppongi

    When you ask about sushi in Frederick, one of the places that never seems to get mentioned is a little restaurant off the Golden Mile called Roppongi. Tucked away in a strip mall, no website or presence on Facebook, Roppongi is really a diamond in the rough with “word of…

  • Uli Westphal: Fruit Au Naturale

    My cousin shared a neat find on the (a)Musing Foodie Facebook Page the other day. A fellow blogger stumbled upon Uli Westphal, an artist who has taken the time to showcase non-standardized fruits and vegetables in what he’s calling the “Mutato-Project.” What does that mean, exactly? Well. The non-standardized produce…

  • Ice Cream, Frozen Custard And "The Good Ol’ Days"

    I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Or something like that. Admittedly, I don’t keep many sweets in the house — not because I’m afraid of overindulging, or because I’m anti-candy for the kids. Sweets are simply something we don’t crave, and the kids don’t beg for. However,…

  • Seared Chicken Fajitas

    Looking for a way to stretch a couple of chicken breasts? Sometimes I buy one of those big packs of chicken, and the portions don’t quite break up evenly. When you need a meal for four people, but only have two chicken breasts…well, the math doesn’t quite work out. Except,…