• What’s a CSA?

    The term “CSA” used to be a buzz word, but these days it’s pretty common whether you live in the city or a more rural area. Often times, however, the acronym isn’t spelled out. So, what’s a CSA, you ask? Let’s keep this simple. Community-supported agriculture (CSA) is a food production…

  • Musings: Apple Peels

    While peeling a bunch of apples for a recipe yesterday, I discovered that I have an slight obsession for removing the peels all in one quick, long, continuous strip. That’s all; just a simple thought for the start to the week. Happy Monday!

  • Top 5 Signs a Food Blogger’s Headed in the Right Direction

    5. Neighbors ask, “How’s the latest food contest going?” when seen outside. 4. They’re asked with skepticism, “Did you take those photos yourself?” 3. Comments and tweets from readers announce, “I’m making your recipe tonight!” 2. Other publications ask them to contribute their writing. 1. People send photos of the food…

  • Henna Art on Cake = Fabulous!

    David Lebovitz posted this on his Facebook page earlier today, and I just couldn’t help from showing it here. It’s “what happens when you give a henna artist a piping bag with frosting,” and isn’t it fabulous?? Source: tumblr.com via Elise on Pinterest  

  • Kitchen Must Have – What’s Yours?

    I’m not a big fan of kitchen gadgets, especially those that are good for only one thing – and I DO realize that I’m in the minority here, as most people I know really love their food chopper, apple corer, etc. Having said that, I definitely have a few go-to utensils…

  • Yes, My Friends – It’s Pickle Toothpaste

    Twitter and Facebook have both been aglow with discussions about cupcake toothpaste today. Given the flavors they’ve come up with for kids’ toothpaste (strawberry, bubblegum, etc.), I’m not surprised that cupcake toothpaste has broken through, especially with our recent pop obsession over cupcakes. But, I am surprised to find other flavors…